Thursday, April 14, 2011

[13/04/11] Jay Chou's "Mr.J Cafe" to expand to China

周杰倫「Mr.J」餐廳 大陸開分店
Jay Chou's "Mr.J Cafe" to expand to China

Source: 聯合報 United Daily News
Credit: li-yin (

據傳盛大集團有意斥資8000萬人民幣(約台幣3.5億)收購周杰倫副業,包括Mr.J義法廚房、PHAN TACi潮牌、亞洲舞蹈館和Mr.J頻道大陸獨家營運權,並邀李宇春擔任CEO。企圖藉由周董幕後的文化創 意產業概念,為盛大集團攻進娛樂傳媒市場。
Group China Corporation Limited ("Group China") is allegedly interested in purchasing Jay Chou's auxiliary businesses estimated to worth RMB80 million (approximately NTD350 million). The price is estimated to be based on the sole and exclusive rights to operate Mr.J Cafe, the PHANTACi fashion label, Asia Dance School and Mr.J Channel in China. Group China will also invite Chris Li YuChun ( to be the CEO for this purpose. The reason behind Group China's purchase is break into the entertainment industry by leveraging on President Chou's influence, creativity and business concept.

根據大陸媒體報導,盛大集團有意將綜藝節目「Mr.J頻道」班底全部移師到湖南衛視,並改名為「范特西舞蹈 館」東山在起,主打大牌藝人舞蹈綜藝秀概念,負責與盛大集團接洽的雪糕透露,周董有機會友情站台,但杰威爾 表示:「目前周杰倫沒有新的主持計畫。」
According to reports from China, Xue Gao exposes that Group China intend to move and base the operations of Mr.J Channel in China's Hu Nan TV; whilst rename Asia Dance School to Fantasy Dance School, focusing in providing dance lessons to "big shots" artistes. However, JVR represent that "currently, Jay has no plans for new hosting programs."

雪糕表示:「主要是洽談Mr.J餐廳大陸開設分店,沒有聽過8000萬,或李宇春擔任CEO的事,但也不排 除後續其他產業的延伸。」並透露目前都還是在談階段,預計開幾家分店、何時開幕都尚定案。
Xue Gao states that "the only agenda is to discuss on Mr.J Cafe's expansion to China; there were no talks about RMB80 million not Chris Lee as CEO. However, this does not eliminate the possible of him (Chris Lee) heading the operation sin China." At present, everything is still in a discussion, especially on how many branches to be opened and when is the suitable time for such openings.

周杰倫為了朋友經營副業不遺餘力,儘管沒有出錢投資,他的文化創意與高人氣,讓「周杰倫」三個字意外成為品 牌,也為好友創造無限商機。杰威爾則表示:「事實上所謂的副業,周杰倫不是股東,也沒有投資,他就是把朋友 的店當自己的店一樣去支持或力挺,甚至提供創意。」並澄清周董從未與盛大集團接洽,主要由雪糕 處理。
Even though Jay Chou did not contribute in monetary capital, in order to assist his friends, he has spent a lot of effort in his auxiliary business. With his talents, creativity and great personality, the 3 words "周杰倫" has effectively become a brand name, creating good business opportunities for his friends. JVR represents that "Jay is not a shareholder of and has no monetary investments in any of the auxiliary business. He only supports these businesses like his own and contributes certain ideas/concepts." This means that the ongoing discussions with Group China is led by Xue Gao and not President Chou himself.