Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tell it to the Future
written 6/22/2006

It’s been seven years and seven months. That was in the year 1998 when I first met him. We were first year high schools then and he seemed to be a nice guy. He was very quiet, he barely talked during classes and most of the time I didn't recognize him in class. He was just another guy like anybody else around; this was my first impression on him.

A year passed and he didn't even know my name. We’re still classmates and just that nothing changed. But I was wrong; I thought it’s always going to be like that. He seemed to be not the guy I first saw that year. He changed a lot, he was such a whiner and he was very annoying. So he caught my attention but we were not in so good terms. We we're enemies, we we're not friends. As he began to annoy me each day of that year, something came up and it was unbelievable. I was slowly falling for him and I was unaware of it. I couldn't accept it because he was not the guy I imagined to be meant for me. But I denied it even if it was true. He had a crush that time, she was our classmate too. We parted ways the end of the school year as pure enemies. I never gave a hint that I actually liked him.

So another year came and he was still my classmate. This time, the feeling got even stronger but I always kept it in some place hidden. And things got more complicated this time around. An upper-class student had a crush on him and he told me before that he didn't like her. But to my surprise during our last year in high school I found out that she was already his girlfriend. I didn't ask him why or how it happened. I just acted like it was nothing to me and I was being unfair to myself but I had no choice.

We graduated but I never told him the truth because it's not right. I remember he gave me a candle of color blue with something shaped like a dolphin in the middle. I really love it because it was the only gift I have ever received from him.
We are now in our last year in college and I still manage to keep it and i have decided to keep it forever. She's still his girlfriend I think. But now we are friends and I'm just his friend. Though even if they happen to broke up, I still don't stand a chance that he would finally see me. It hurts that the person you love cannot love you back. But if in the future God will send him to me, I hope I still love him the way I love him now.

I surf the website of the movie The Lake house and there was an icon that says "TELL IT TO THE FUTURE". I saw letters there address to the future. I made a letter to myself that in the year 2012 when I will be 26 years old, if he is really meant for me then he will come and it will happen.