Monday, February 14, 2011

A Year After [ 2010. 02.13 - 2011.02.13 ]

Yesterday was February 13, 2011 and it marks the first year of that Bangkok trip I had with Ate Rips, Kate, She and Grace to watch SS501 Persona in Bangkok. It was also my second time to see SS501 in concert and my first time in Bangkok. I actually almost forgot the that it was February 13 yesterday but when I saw the fan I received from TS Indonesia in Bangkok, I remembered that it was February 13. It just makes me feel bad that this time on the very same day, I'm in Manila doing nothing and I wasn't somewhere else.

Hopefully in the next coming months, I'll find myself in a different place and soon I'll be getting myself out of this place that I've always wanted to leave for so long. Well maybe this is the opportunity that I have been waiting for. I just hope and pray that everything will go smoothly. It would feel like being free from everything to be far from this place.