Saturday, October 09, 2010

[Trans] Hyung Jun – Fans Magazine October 2010 Issue

credits: Scans by annieyang +English translation: Only Jun ( + crazynoona

I intentionally reversed the arrangement of the interview from the magazine. I just thought that this part of the interview was more important than the rest. 

Ah,so he talked to Hyun-joong recently. See they talk to each other, maybe not all the time but whenever they get some time. They keep in touch that's what matters. 

And I like that part when he was asked about Kibum and his preferences. What if they fall in love with the same girl although it's unlikely to happen, it was a smart question. Kibum's attitude, personality, clothing style and ideal type; you can clearly see that he's more mature in almost everything.

Forever(/Lifetime) SS501 Page
In SS501, Hyung Jun is the group’s youngest, showing a like-to-ageyo image, but at home, Kim Hyung Jun is the eldest. Do you prefer to be the youngest or the eldest? Privately, Hyung Jun’s character is more towards the [Youngest's Character] or the [Eldest's Character]?

At home I’m the eldest brother, in SS501 group I’m the youngest, but actually I did not go and intentionally categorise my roles, I just express myself very naturally. If I have to choose 1 out of the 2 roles, I will act accordingly to the situation, and choose the role that I have to play, sometimes have to act as the elder brother but at times have to act as the youngest role. Actually because outside I’m the youngest, and at home I’m the eldest, this enables me to experience the pains of being either role. For instance during SS501 activities, I am able to understand the leader’s feelings; In SS501, because I’m the youngest, so I could understand some of my brother’s (i.e. Ki Bum’s) thoughts and feelings.

Even though SS501 (members) now do not belong to the same agency, but Taiwanese fans are still very concerned about your news. Although now each of you are busy with your own work, do SS501 members still keep in contact privately?

Within SS501, there are members who already have new agencies, and there are some members who have yet to decide on future plans, but even if all 5 of us belong to different agencies, we are still SS501, I think in the near future, all 5 of us can still come together. Now I frequently keep in contact with them via Twitter or telephone, recently becauseHyun Joong hyung is still filming , so we will also watch the drama to show our concern towards him. Additionally, recently I have also talked to Hyun Joong hyung over the phone, he told me, because of the drama filming, he is very busy lately. Even though people say, because couldn’t meet for a few times, our hearts will drift apart, but to us SS501, even though we are unable to meet frequently, but our hearts, on the contrary, become even closer! Although we are all busy, so unable to meet frequently, but members are still very concerned about one another, so we will still keep in contact frequently (laughs).

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Both Brothers Are Very Handsome Page

In the entertainment circle, Handsome Brothers Duo, Hyung Jun and Ki Bum, do both of you have similar taste in clothings?
Even though Ki Bum and my apperances are very similar, but the difference in the styles of clothes that we fancy are quite different. I like simple, clear cut, comfortable styles, but my younger brother Ki Bum is the direct opposite of me, he prefers a wilder style. Take for instance the choice of jeans, I prefer those jeans that feels comfortable when one wears it, but Ki Bum pays more attention to jeans with special patterns or designs (laughs).

Between the two brothers, do you wear each other’s clothes?
Because we are real brothers, so we often wear each other’s clothes. There was once, I have to attend a friend’s wedding, so I was in a hurry to grab a shirt to wear, I mistakenly took Ki Bum’s shirt without even knowing, until at the wedding’s venue did I realise that my shirt was too tight. Luckily, I acted very normal during the wedding, so the tight shirt did not actually cause me any trouble, but this incident left a deep impression on me (laughs). Actually, I still have many interesting accounts with brother Ki Bum, next time if there is a chance will tell readers!

Hyung Jun’s and Ki Bum’s Ideal Opposite Sex Partners, are they similar?

The ideal partners that we brothers fancy, are actually not the same. I prefer more girly types, girls who always wear feminine clothes whereas Ki Bum prefers prefers mature, sexy and generous girls.
If both brothers fall for the same girl, how is Hyung Jun, as the elder brother, going to resolve this?
Mm… If we both fall for the same girl? This is really a good question, honestly, just like what was said previously, the opposite sex partners that Ki Bum and I like are very different, so it would be very rare for us to fall for the same girl. But if we really fall for the same girl, even though it would be very difficult to give up, but compared to liking one person, I think blood ties are more important, aren’t they? So if there is really such a situation, I think for my brother I will give up the other person.

Bottom Title: Exclusive Interview! Korean Athlete

Kim Hyung Jun
Man belonging to Autumn

Kim Hyung Jun
Korean Athlete
Man belong to Autumn

It’s been a long time since we last saw SS501 Magnae Kim Hyung Jun, after joining a new agency, he is actively expanding his overseas promotional activities. Firstly, in August, he flew to Singapore for his solo fanmeeting, and in September, he flew to Japan as a special guest for the opening of Song Seung Heon’s fanmeeting, receiving extremely warm reception from his overseas fans. When being interviewed by the editor, Hyung Jun also mentioned about his recent work plans, besides accepting the offer to be a variety show MC, in the near future he will be meeting everyone as an actor, so everyone please look forward to his acting skills! Additionally, he also shared exclusively with us the joys of becoming a DJ and the intereting anecdotes between him and his brother Ki Bum! resenting you Autum’s man & Korean Athlete…Kim Hyung Jun, now!

(Header in green and white):


Firstly please greet your Taiwanese fans who have always been concerned about SS501 and Hyung Jun, loudly and forcefully~ Must do it with force! 
Everyone really misses you~
Taiwanese readers, hello! I’m SS501 Kim Hyung Jun. Didn’t think that I would be on the cover for the October issue. Meeting everyone in this manner, I feel very honoured and happy! Recently, I have changed mangaement agency, hope everyone can still continue to support SS501 and Hyung Jun!

Recent work development and daily life updates?

Recently held a solo fanmeeting in Singapore, meeting with approximately 3000 fans, I am really happy. Not long ago, I also went to Japan to participate in Song Seung Heon sunbae’s fanmeeting. Attended as a Korean singer to open the fanmeeting, performing on stage to more than 10,000 Japanese fans, as part of my overseas solo activities. Standing on stage and meeting fans is really a very enjoyable thing to do. In the future, apart from meeting everyone as SS501 Kim Hyung Jun, I will also stand on stage as an actor. Additionally, will also release a solo album, now has also become the MC for the variety show . During this period, I wish to let everyone see a very different side of Kim Hyung Jun! I also wish to meet fans via many different means, so I hope everyone would also please anticipate the chances of meeting me. Recently spent my time fruitfully, I’m currently polishing my acting skills while dilligently working as a DJ.

New agency has many experienced actor sunbaes, who, belonging to the same company does Hyung Jun admire the most? Also in the acting industry, which other sunbaes do you admire the most?

In the new company, S-Plus Entertainment, There are actor sunbaes like Kang Ji Hwan, and I usually watch sunbae’s works. Not long back, I just finished watching the drama in which he was the leading actor. Kang Ji Hwan sunbae’s acting skills have always been excellent, but in this drama, he portrayed the characters vividly well; Moreover, sunbae has also performed the musical in Japan, making me respect him even more. In the future, I will present myself as an actor in front of everybody, Kang sunbae has given me many suggestions and encouragements, boosting my confidence. Besides Kang Ji Hwan sunbae, I also admire So Ji Sub, Jang Dong Gun, Song Seung Heon sunbaes. In the future, I will work hard as an actor, hoping to be able to work together with them (laughs).

Hyung Jun is going to challenge (to perform in) a Musical, please introduce the character you are playing, as well as your thoughts on taking up Musical for the first time?

Before the year ends, I will be performing in the Musical , this is my first invovlement in a musical, and one person has to act two roles. This musical is a romantic story about a reckless cafe staff and a very attentive waiter. In the storyline, in the day I’m the gentleman Ji Man, but at night I will transform into the waiter Jung Min. For a musical, has to showcase singing, acting and dancing skills, plus it is also my first time in a musical and I would be acting out two roles, so I feel a little pressurised, but I will work very hard to portray the two roles well. This is my first step into becoming an actor, I’m still diligently learning, so everyone please anticipate my performance!

Between standing on stage as a singer and actor, to Hyung Jun, are there any differences?

Mm~ Talking about the difference between a stage for a singer and actor… When standing on stage as a singer, I’m a member of SS501, because there are 5 of us standing together on stage, so I wouldn’t feel so scared or nervous, this is what I feel the best part about being a singer. On the contrary, even though I haven’t officially stand on the stage as a musical actor, but together with the female lead, I have to lead the audience into the story, just thinking about this… is enough to make me very nervous!

Profile Kim Hyung Jun
Birthday: 1984-8-3
Height&Weight: 181cm/66kg
Blood Type: Type O
Hobbies: Games, Working out (/Gym), Music,
Special skills: Swimming, Dancing

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Autumn Is Coming Page
After the hot Summer, Autumn is coming! Hyung Jun feels that when visiting Korea during Autumn, which places are the most appropriate?

If want to completely immerse in the Autumn’s atmosphere, I feel that Korea is the most suitable place, there are many good sightseeing places here, really beautiful! Besides coming here to admire the beautiful scenaries, come and cheer me, Hyung Jun, on. If this is so, it will be great! Haha~I will be waiting in Korea for everyone to come~ I am Autumn’s man & Korea Athlete… Kim Hyung Jun … Hahaha!

★Before submitting this draft, it was announced that Kim Hyung Jun would be holding a ["I Am" SS501 Kim Hyung Jun! Taiwan Fanmeeting] on 24 Oct (Sun) at Taiwan NUS Sports Center. For more details visit Warner Online Store There will be updated news.
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Being DJ Is Really Good Page

Many Taiwanese fans tune in to via the web. As a DJ, Hyung Jun, is also widely being discussed and showered with concerns by fans. Could you please share with us your experience as DJ and the joys of being one?

Initally when hosting , I only view it as a job. But gradually through this broadcasting means, I also started sharing my pains and joys with the listeners. I realised there are many viewers who share the experiences or troubles as me, so through the show, we interact, give each other encouragements, through such a process, I feel very happy, also could feel my presence as well as the viewers’. I feel that it is a very good thing to be able to host such a programme.

During the time when you are hosting the show, is there any special event that becomes unforgettable?

Ever since I started hosting this show, everything from the beginning to the end of each broadcast is an unforgettable memory for me. To me, every minute and every second of is important to me. If really have to mention something that is unforgettable recently, should be something that everyone knows, it is the passing of Park Yong Ha hyung who is as close to me as a real brother. That time, after attending the funeral, I came and hosted the show. While hosting the show, I cried several times, even now when I think of it, I still very sad about it.

During the 2 AM Broadcast of , if a listener said that he/she is not feeling good being out of love, what songs would you play for him/her
If a listener who is feeling vexed because of love, called in to dedicate songs, and if it is permissible on that day, I feel that as compared to playing songs that the person dedicated, I might as well choose songs that I think is more suitable for him/her for him/her to listen, but the pre-requisite is, he/she has to agree (laughs), I think this is a very direct form of consolation. If I encounter such a listener, I would play [Mars Men Venus Women] or other songs that are full of hope or light-hearted for him/her to listen.

If a listener wants to propose to his long-time girlfriend, then what type of songs would you help him to play?

As for people who want to confess to their girlfriends……Mm~ I think, it is still better for listeners to choose on their own, hahaha~ joking only! If need songs to confess love, I will choose pop songs, today I will be busy looking for songs, so editor next time please ask me this question again! Next time I will choose a song seriously and tell everyone again!