Sunday, May 29, 2011

[27/05/11] JVR music to release the Crew on 7th June

Source: Link


On the 23rd Lara and the drifters attended Guess for recording.

Lara与浪花兄弟上节目是宣传JVR音乐唱片公司即将发行的杰威尔员工艺人音乐合辑《The Crew》,三人也一起穿上了Darren设计的衣服。整场录影虽然三个人是坐在一起的,但是Lara眼神 很少飘往常青身上,反而是与Darren交流多一点;但是常青却常常看向Lara,有种想要得到关心的感觉 ,却一直等不到与Lara的眼神交流。

The purpose of Lara and the drifters to be on guess was to promote their company's latest album, . The 3 of them wore the t-shirt that was designed by Darren. Through out the whole recording, although the 3 of them were sitting together, Lara rarely looks at 常青, instead, she was busy chatting with Darren. 常青, on the other hand, was trying to catch Lara's attention.

杰威尔6月7日发行唱片合辑《The Crew》(6位歌手X 6位创作人X 6位艺术家6种声音X 6种性格X 6种生活型态集结创意之大成交错热情再生出无独有偶「乐酷精神」

JVR music set to release on the the 7th of June which comprises of 6 singer, 6 composer, 6 different artist's voice, 6 different attitude and 6 different lifestyle which created this [cool spirit].

从他们穿着的衣服中可以看出包含了6位歌手:袁咏琳、周杰伦、浪花兄弟Darren、杨瑞代、浪花兄弟常青 、梁心颐。期待杰威尔音乐公司6月7日发行杰威尔员工艺人音乐合辑《The Crew》。

From the t -shirt we can see that it comprise of 6 different singers, 袁咏琳、周杰伦、浪花兄弟Darren、杨瑞代、浪花兄弟常青、梁心颐. Do take note that JVR music will be releasing on the 7th of june!