Recording ‘Incoming Message VOICE’
Recently revealed photograph of Kim Hyun Joong in Korea KeyEast office recording ‘Incoming message VOICE’*. (*착신VOICE – Sorry I don’t know what is the correct translation for this)
Making use of time in between his busy slots, Kim Hyun Joong who was participated in the recording of ‘Incoming message VOICE’* for the mobile site was reading the script seriously.
As the recording was carried out during late night, Hyun Joong would always try to bring up the mood, showing his kind side. From this little act could see Kim Hyun Joong’s warm heart.
Credits to KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site + (English translation) miyo
Staff secretly tells about at backstage! True self of KHJ!
Scene of Incoming Voice Ringtone♪
Hello! This is Digital Adventure staff T ^^
There’s not many days left for this year, how is everyone doing.
I’m pleased to say that 2 weeks ago, after the event has ended, I was busy with renewing the site.
I had read the comments during work break and it encourages me a lot.
Thank you everyone for your nice comments.(´∀`*)
I will work hard to make this site interesting!!
Well, in today’s staff blog, will be reporting on how Hyun Joong recording for the incoming voice ringtone at Korea’s management office Keyeast♪
In between his busy work schedule, Hyun Joong recording the incoming voice ringtone for the official mobile site.
Seems to be looking over the script with a serious expression.
Moreover, as the recording was late at night, showing the loving side being the mood maker for the tired staff.
From such an episode, a glimpse of the serious and warm side of Hyun Joong. ^^
On a change of topic, have everyone seen Hyun Joong’s Xmas message video last week?
His warm message and cute softoy left an impression right (^∀^)
Next month, everyone will have a chance to win the softtoy which Hyun Joong was holding in the video!!
Please look forward to it☆
Till then, see you in the next staff blog!!
Wishing everyone a happy new year~♪
Credits to miyomiy0 + (English translation) miyo
Hello, I’m Kim Hyun Joong
This Christmas, how are you going to spend it
Please have a wonderful time with your dear friends and family
I’m sending a Christmas present
Everyone, Merry Christmas!!