배고파서 마이크 먹는 중!!딸기맛 ( Eating the microphone out of hunger!!STRAWBERRY?)
Credits: kissmeukiss + @90KKB

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나연예인이랑 사진찍었다!!! 오랜만에 준하형보니깐 너무좋아요 ㅎ "식신로드" 촬영중입니다 ^^

지금 식신로드 촬영중입니다!!! ㅎㅎ
참치깻잎파전!!!!!!! 벌써 다먹었어요^^ 맛있다~~~!!!! 히히
참치깻잎파전!!!!!!! 벌써 다먹었어요^^ 맛있다~~~!!!! 히히
사진 찍는데 일라이가 자꾸 끼어들어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅠㅜㅜ 얼굴작은애들시러요 예를들어 케빈같은애들 흥!!!!!
WHO else?? I've got.... U-KISS ALEXANDER's signed CD & special card too!!! So happy la~~~ LOL! Oops... sorry~ =v=!
Oh~ talking bout Brunei, after mentioning Wu Chun of Fahrenheit, a fan gave me their album, a SIGNED one~LOL! Thx~
As I kept looking, the cloud slowly spread, and the sun began to appear and to shine, like a new HOPE.

Guess wt? Got LOTS of Japanese yummy snack from KISS-ME JP when I was in Japan few days ago~LOL~ ARIGATOU!♥ (^o^)/

@@;;;사진 멋있다~~!!! (Thank u ChuChu~♥ http://www.alexander-kiss.com/)

These are the yummy Yakult, yogurt, veggie drinks, chocolate milk, etc~ So happy!!! *♥o♥* LOL!!! 잘먹겠습니다!!!

Soo hyun is the same see~ hehe
Credits: kissmeukiss + @u_kisseli