Voice of a Murderer
Korean Movie 2007
So far,the biggest hit of South Korea in 2007 surpassing all other hits before it. It's a true to life story of a kidnapping abduction case in 1991 of a 9 year old boy,son of a famous personality then. The boy was missing for 44 days and found dead at the Han River after the kidnapper had claimed almost $200,000 dollars to the parents. Until now,the kidnapper is still at large.This is a very great intense movie. A must see,you can't see anything like this great,only in Korea. The cast was absolutely superb but okay I admit I was only interested in this movie because of Kang Dong Won but other than that I really liked the movie. The way the story was told was extremely gripping. You can really feel the ruthlessness of the kidnapper. Thanks to Kang Dong Won's superb performance,and it's just his mean evil voice you hear all the time.And that laughter,who could forget it!The parents played by Kyung-gu Sol(Han Kyung-bae ) and Nam-ju Kim (Oh Ji-sun),absolutely amazing.I can really feel the anguish and pain of the parents. It's really heartbreaking to see their faces like that. The part where, Kyung-gu Sol, the father was running to the amusement park and he was praying,oh my God that really struck me.I even cried seeing his troubled face while praying for his son's safety. And the last part of the movie where he gets back to work,he cried infront of national television. God,I pity him so much.And the mother,when she waswalking and she suddenly loses consciousness in the middle of the road,she's like all the very bad things in the world is at her shoulder.But I must really praise Kang dong won for a very great ruthless performance and not just because I like him. This is another of his best, everyone agrees too!The whole movie was award winning,it's no surprise it's no. 1 at the box office.I sensed that the kid is already dead by the time that the kidnapper is asking for money.So sad, I thought he will give the kid back but I was wrong.2 thumbs up!You musn't miss this!!!