Credits: turlyseungheon+DC
Friday, April 29, 2011
[26/04/11] Jolin holds concert, Jay gives flying kiss; is Double J back together?
Jolin Tsai holds concert, Jay Chou gives flying kiss; is Double J back together?
Source: People’s Network
Credit: li-yin (
Translated by: li-yin (
据台湾TVBS报道,小天王周杰伦为即将在大陆展开巡回个唱的JOLIN蔡依林,录制了一段祝福短片放上网 络,在影片里面不仅替 JOLIN加油打气,还说只是开演唱会不是奧运比赛,要JOLIN太困难的体操动作可以不用表演没关系,最 后还不忘替她加油,甚至送上了飞吻。
Based on reports by TVBS, Little Heavenly King (1) Jay Chou has recorded a video and posted it on the web for Jolin Tsai’s China Concert Tour. In the video, Jay not only encourage, he also mentioned that performing in concerts are not the same as participating in the Olympics – it is okay for Jolin to not perform certain gymnastics acts that are too difficult. Lastly, he wished Jolin all the best and even gave her a flying kiss.
周杰伦:“是的,听说蔡同学巡回的个唱在大陆要展开了,这是非常的辛苦,很多歌迷也非常的期待 。”
Jay:“Yes, I heard that Tsai-classmate’s (2) China Concert Tour will be opening soon. This will take a lot of hard work and fans will also be looking forward too.”
周董高调录制了这段祝福短片,除了祝JOLIN內地演唱会顺利外,也不忘开她玩笑。周杰伦:“先切记这不是 奥运喔,这是演唱会,所以有一些体操的部分,可以不用表演没关系,好好唱歌跳舞就好了,在这边祝福这个演唱 会场场爆满,然后这个,演唱会非常成功。”
Other than the high profile short best wishes, Jay also did not forget to tease Jolin. Jay:“ (You) must also remember, this is not the Olympics oh, this is a concert, so certain gymnastics acts, (you can) choose to not perform. Just sing and dance your best (can already). (I) would like to wish that all your shows be full house and then (this) concert be very successful.”
But the most exciting part is not only till the end. Jay:“ OK, all the best, *chirp* (3)”
说完了加油后,周董举起了右手,嘴里还发出了啾的声音,脸上表情有点害羞。平常酷酷的周董,这回为了替JO LIN加油,录了这段影片,最后还送上飞吻。
After he finished talking, Jay lifted his right hand while making the “chirp” sound with a very shy look. The usually very cool Jay actually recorded this, including a flying kiss, just to give Jolin his wishes.
虽然JOLIN现在有了新欢锦荣,但曾现身周董演唱会当来宾,大跳双J热舞,好默契无人能敌,这回换JOL IN內地开唱,周董隔空送飞吻的加油影片,也成功替演唱会炒热话题。
Even though Jolin already has new love Vivian, she still appeared as a guest at Jay’s concert and shared a very intimate dance with him. It seems that their closeness and mutual understanding is unbeatable. This time for Jolin’s China Concert Tour, Jay gave a flying-kiss-best-wishes-video, which also managed to garner heated discussions.
Source: People’s Network
Credit: li-yin (
Translated by: li-yin (
据台湾TVBS报道,小天王周杰伦为即将在大陆展开巡回个唱的JOLIN蔡依林,录制了一段祝福短片放上网 络,在影片里面不仅替 JOLIN加油打气,还说只是开演唱会不是奧运比赛,要JOLIN太困难的体操动作可以不用表演没关系,最 后还不忘替她加油,甚至送上了飞吻。
Based on reports by TVBS, Little Heavenly King (1) Jay Chou has recorded a video and posted it on the web for Jolin Tsai’s China Concert Tour. In the video, Jay not only encourage, he also mentioned that performing in concerts are not the same as participating in the Olympics – it is okay for Jolin to not perform certain gymnastics acts that are too difficult. Lastly, he wished Jolin all the best and even gave her a flying kiss.
周杰伦:“是的,听说蔡同学巡回的个唱在大陆要展开了,这是非常的辛苦,很多歌迷也非常的期待 。”
Jay:“Yes, I heard that Tsai-classmate’s (2) China Concert Tour will be opening soon. This will take a lot of hard work and fans will also be looking forward too.”
周董高调录制了这段祝福短片,除了祝JOLIN內地演唱会顺利外,也不忘开她玩笑。周杰伦:“先切记这不是 奥运喔,这是演唱会,所以有一些体操的部分,可以不用表演没关系,好好唱歌跳舞就好了,在这边祝福这个演唱 会场场爆满,然后这个,演唱会非常成功。”
Other than the high profile short best wishes, Jay also did not forget to tease Jolin. Jay:“ (You) must also remember, this is not the Olympics oh, this is a concert, so certain gymnastics acts, (you can) choose to not perform. Just sing and dance your best (can already). (I) would like to wish that all your shows be full house and then (this) concert be very successful.”
But the most exciting part is not only till the end. Jay:“ OK, all the best, *chirp* (3)”
说完了加油后,周董举起了右手,嘴里还发出了啾的声音,脸上表情有点害羞。平常酷酷的周董,这回为了替JO LIN加油,录了这段影片,最后还送上飞吻。
After he finished talking, Jay lifted his right hand while making the “chirp” sound with a very shy look. The usually very cool Jay actually recorded this, including a flying kiss, just to give Jolin his wishes.
虽然JOLIN现在有了新欢锦荣,但曾现身周董演唱会当来宾,大跳双J热舞,好默契无人能敌,这回换JOL IN內地开唱,周董隔空送飞吻的加油影片,也成功替演唱会炒热话题。
Even though Jolin already has new love Vivian, she still appeared as a guest at Jay’s concert and shared a very intimate dance with him. It seems that their closeness and mutual understanding is unbeatable. This time for Jolin’s China Concert Tour, Jay gave a flying-kiss-best-wishes-video, which also managed to garner heated discussions.
[28/04/11] “Rain God” disrupts crew plans, who knows when shooting starts?
Source: Sin Chew Daily
Credit: li-yin (
Translated by: li-yin (
周杰倫拍戲、廣告代言及演唱會「三頭燒」,加上大製作電影「逆戰」的開拍日期因大馬天天下雨而受影響,導致 他來馬拍戲的行程一改再改。最新消息指出,周杰倫將在5月10日從台灣飛抵大馬,化身「人民英雄」正式投入 電影拍攝工作。
Jay Chou juggles 3 flames (2): filming, brand endorsement and concert world tour. To make things worse, the big budget Viral Factor’s officially shooting date has become a moving target due to the wet weather in Malaysia, indirectly affected Jay’s traveling schedule which keeps changing as well. The latest news is that Jay will be arriving in Malaysia on 10 May for the official shooting, where he will become “People’s Hero”.
周杰倫到底甚麼時候來馬拍「逆戰」?林超賢導演及動作指導錢嘉樂身在大馬超過一個星期,但正確的開拍日期及 周杰倫、謝霆鋒抵馬日期已成為媒體和粉絲的關切追蹤目標。
When will Jay actually come to Malaysia for Viral Factor? Director Dante Lam and Action Director Chin Ka Lok have both been in Malaysia for more than a week whilst the actual date of shooting, dates of arrival of Jay and Nicholas Tse in Malaysia have been under the media’s and fans’ scrutiny.
Actual shooting date keeps extending
周杰倫所屬的杰威爾音樂在4月初曾宣佈,周杰倫4月9日出席台北舉行的「第一屆全球流行音樂金榜頒獎典禮」 的第2天便動身赴大馬拍戲,只後來其只是放空 炮,原來是導演林超賢、動作指導錢嘉樂等劇組人員先到大馬為「逆戰」展開最後的籌備工作,演員們將在開拍日 期確定後才飛來大馬。
Jay’s record label, JVR Music, announced in the beginning of April that Jay would be attending “The 1st Global Chinese Golden Charts Awards” in Taipei on 9 April, where on the following day, he would be heading directly to Malaysia for the filming. However, the announcement was only a gimmick as only Dante Lam, Chin Ka Lok and crew arrived in Malaysia first for the final preparations of the shooting. The star actors are only flying in on a later date.
早前亦有消息指「逆戰」將在24日開拍,「光明娛樂」當日巡視主要拍攝的場景,發現錢嘉樂在中午時分與七八 名工作人員出現在獨立廣場附近的高架天橋底下討論拍攝角度,開拍日期再次延期。
Earlier, there was only news that the shooting would begun on 24 April. On the said day, Guang Ming Daily visited the various potential shooting locations on that day and found that Chin Ka Lok and crew were present at a flyover nearby Dataran Merdeka during noon time. On the same date, the official shooting date was moved again.
Company moves movie schedules
據瞭解,林導演、錢嘉樂等劇組每天開會逾5個小時,主要是討論及解決取景問題、敲演員檔期等等。不過,吉隆 坡天氣從上星期開始至今,幾乎每天下午都下豪 雨,嚴重影響劇組在外景拍攝的籌備工作,因而遲遲無法確定搭景及開拍日期,連帶演員來馬日期被 逼一改再改。
Dante Lam, Chin Ka Lok and crew reportedly meets approximately 5 hours per day to discuss on the details of the scenes and the schedules of the actors etc. However, it has been raining almost everyday in KL since the past week and this has adversely affected the outdoors shooting works of the film. Hence, delaying the shooting dates and scene preparation works. This in turn affected the arrival dates to Malaysia of the actors.
根據消息指出,周杰倫整個5月的檔期早已決定用來拍電影,未料開拍日期一直改期,杰威爾音樂只好臨時安排周 杰倫參與一些不費時的活動,包括5月8日擔任中國歌唱家宋祖英台北小巨蛋演唱會的表演嘉賓。
Apparently, Jay has booked the entire month of May for the shooting of the movie. Due to the unforeseen circumstance i.e. the delaying of the officially shooting date, JVR Music had to arrange for Jay to participate in a number of activities so that he would not be wasting his time, and this includes the 8 May guest appearance at Song Zhu Ying’s concert in Taipei.
周杰倫與宋祖英因在中國春晚合作而成為好朋友,周杰倫到北京宣傳他的電視劇「熊貓人」時,曾與宋祖英相約吃 飯。宋祖英這次到台北表演,還未動身赴馬拍戲的周杰倫當然義不容辭站台。
Since working together for their performance during the Chinese Spring Festival, Jay has become good friends with Song Zhu Ying. When Jay was promoting Pandamen in Beijing, he did share a meal with her. Since this time Jay is free during the date of Song Zhu Ying’s concert in Taipei, he definitely won’t give up the chance of being there for his friend.
Date of arrival: 10 May
此外,5月8日當天也是母親節,周杰倫是娛樂圈出了名的孝子,當天除了出席宋祖英演唱會,周杰倫將騰出大半 天的時間陪媽媽慶祝母親節。
Other being at Song Zhu Yin’s concert, 8 May is also Mothers’ Day, Jay being the famous filial son will also be spending time with his mom to celebrate Mothers’ Day on that day.
最新消息指出,「逆戰」劇組將在5月3日正式開拍,而周杰倫的戲份安排在後面,也為他訂了5月10日的班機 飛抵大馬,抵達之後即刻投入拍攝工作。由於杰威爾音樂已替周杰倫接下數活動,周杰倫這趟來馬大約逗留10天 ,較後分階段來馬陸續完成拍攝工作。
Latest update is that Viral Factor shall start officially shooting on 3 May and Jay’s parts have been arranged to be on a later date, to which he has booked the flight on 10 May to get to Malaysia. Upon arrival, he will focus on completing the shooting tasks as soon as possible as JVR Music has scheduled for Jay to only remain in Malaysia for around 10 days.
林導演早前曾表示,「逆戰」將在馬進行兩個月的拍攝工作,相信周杰倫接下來兩個月將當「空中飛人」,往返大 馬、台灣及中國飛來飛去。
Dante Lam has previous represented that Viral Factor will spend approximately 2 months’ time of shooting in Malaysia. It is believed that during these 2 months, Jay will be “Flying Man” to and fro Malaysia, Taiwan and China.
至於謝霆鋒,由於他已接下「逆戰」的拍攝,所以未來3個月的檔期都給了該電影,暫時不會接其他工作。目前在 香港享受天倫之樂的他已「隨時候命」,一旦接到劇組發出的開拍日期,便會動身飛來大馬。
As for Nicholas, he only has Viral Factor at hand and will only work on this project for the next 3 months. Presently, he is enjoying the time of his life in Hong Kong, where he is on an on-call basis – once the final shooting date has been set, he is expected to fly into Malaysia at once.
Credit: li-yin (
Translated by: li-yin (
周杰倫拍戲、廣告代言及演唱會「三頭燒」,加上大製作電影「逆戰」的開拍日期因大馬天天下雨而受影響,導致 他來馬拍戲的行程一改再改。最新消息指出,周杰倫將在5月10日從台灣飛抵大馬,化身「人民英雄」正式投入 電影拍攝工作。
Jay Chou juggles 3 flames (2): filming, brand endorsement and concert world tour. To make things worse, the big budget Viral Factor’s officially shooting date has become a moving target due to the wet weather in Malaysia, indirectly affected Jay’s traveling schedule which keeps changing as well. The latest news is that Jay will be arriving in Malaysia on 10 May for the official shooting, where he will become “People’s Hero”.
周杰倫到底甚麼時候來馬拍「逆戰」?林超賢導演及動作指導錢嘉樂身在大馬超過一個星期,但正確的開拍日期及 周杰倫、謝霆鋒抵馬日期已成為媒體和粉絲的關切追蹤目標。
When will Jay actually come to Malaysia for Viral Factor? Director Dante Lam and Action Director Chin Ka Lok have both been in Malaysia for more than a week whilst the actual date of shooting, dates of arrival of Jay and Nicholas Tse in Malaysia have been under the media’s and fans’ scrutiny.
Actual shooting date keeps extending
周杰倫所屬的杰威爾音樂在4月初曾宣佈,周杰倫4月9日出席台北舉行的「第一屆全球流行音樂金榜頒獎典禮」 的第2天便動身赴大馬拍戲,只後來其只是放空 炮,原來是導演林超賢、動作指導錢嘉樂等劇組人員先到大馬為「逆戰」展開最後的籌備工作,演員們將在開拍日 期確定後才飛來大馬。
Jay’s record label, JVR Music, announced in the beginning of April that Jay would be attending “The 1st Global Chinese Golden Charts Awards” in Taipei on 9 April, where on the following day, he would be heading directly to Malaysia for the filming. However, the announcement was only a gimmick as only Dante Lam, Chin Ka Lok and crew arrived in Malaysia first for the final preparations of the shooting. The star actors are only flying in on a later date.
早前亦有消息指「逆戰」將在24日開拍,「光明娛樂」當日巡視主要拍攝的場景,發現錢嘉樂在中午時分與七八 名工作人員出現在獨立廣場附近的高架天橋底下討論拍攝角度,開拍日期再次延期。
Earlier, there was only news that the shooting would begun on 24 April. On the said day, Guang Ming Daily visited the various potential shooting locations on that day and found that Chin Ka Lok and crew were present at a flyover nearby Dataran Merdeka during noon time. On the same date, the official shooting date was moved again.
Company moves movie schedules
據瞭解,林導演、錢嘉樂等劇組每天開會逾5個小時,主要是討論及解決取景問題、敲演員檔期等等。不過,吉隆 坡天氣從上星期開始至今,幾乎每天下午都下豪 雨,嚴重影響劇組在外景拍攝的籌備工作,因而遲遲無法確定搭景及開拍日期,連帶演員來馬日期被 逼一改再改。
Dante Lam, Chin Ka Lok and crew reportedly meets approximately 5 hours per day to discuss on the details of the scenes and the schedules of the actors etc. However, it has been raining almost everyday in KL since the past week and this has adversely affected the outdoors shooting works of the film. Hence, delaying the shooting dates and scene preparation works. This in turn affected the arrival dates to Malaysia of the actors.
根據消息指出,周杰倫整個5月的檔期早已決定用來拍電影,未料開拍日期一直改期,杰威爾音樂只好臨時安排周 杰倫參與一些不費時的活動,包括5月8日擔任中國歌唱家宋祖英台北小巨蛋演唱會的表演嘉賓。
Apparently, Jay has booked the entire month of May for the shooting of the movie. Due to the unforeseen circumstance i.e. the delaying of the officially shooting date, JVR Music had to arrange for Jay to participate in a number of activities so that he would not be wasting his time, and this includes the 8 May guest appearance at Song Zhu Ying’s concert in Taipei.
周杰倫與宋祖英因在中國春晚合作而成為好朋友,周杰倫到北京宣傳他的電視劇「熊貓人」時,曾與宋祖英相約吃 飯。宋祖英這次到台北表演,還未動身赴馬拍戲的周杰倫當然義不容辭站台。
Since working together for their performance during the Chinese Spring Festival, Jay has become good friends with Song Zhu Ying. When Jay was promoting Pandamen in Beijing, he did share a meal with her. Since this time Jay is free during the date of Song Zhu Ying’s concert in Taipei, he definitely won’t give up the chance of being there for his friend.
Date of arrival: 10 May
此外,5月8日當天也是母親節,周杰倫是娛樂圈出了名的孝子,當天除了出席宋祖英演唱會,周杰倫將騰出大半 天的時間陪媽媽慶祝母親節。
Other being at Song Zhu Yin’s concert, 8 May is also Mothers’ Day, Jay being the famous filial son will also be spending time with his mom to celebrate Mothers’ Day on that day.
最新消息指出,「逆戰」劇組將在5月3日正式開拍,而周杰倫的戲份安排在後面,也為他訂了5月10日的班機 飛抵大馬,抵達之後即刻投入拍攝工作。由於杰威爾音樂已替周杰倫接下數活動,周杰倫這趟來馬大約逗留10天 ,較後分階段來馬陸續完成拍攝工作。
Latest update is that Viral Factor shall start officially shooting on 3 May and Jay’s parts have been arranged to be on a later date, to which he has booked the flight on 10 May to get to Malaysia. Upon arrival, he will focus on completing the shooting tasks as soon as possible as JVR Music has scheduled for Jay to only remain in Malaysia for around 10 days.
林導演早前曾表示,「逆戰」將在馬進行兩個月的拍攝工作,相信周杰倫接下來兩個月將當「空中飛人」,往返大 馬、台灣及中國飛來飛去。
Dante Lam has previous represented that Viral Factor will spend approximately 2 months’ time of shooting in Malaysia. It is believed that during these 2 months, Jay will be “Flying Man” to and fro Malaysia, Taiwan and China.
至於謝霆鋒,由於他已接下「逆戰」的拍攝,所以未來3個月的檔期都給了該電影,暫時不會接其他工作。目前在 香港享受天倫之樂的他已「隨時候命」,一旦接到劇組發出的開拍日期,便會動身飛來大馬。
As for Nicholas, he only has Viral Factor at hand and will only work on this project for the next 3 months. Presently, he is enjoying the time of his life in Hong Kong, where he is on an on-call basis – once the final shooting date has been set, he is expected to fly into Malaysia at once.
[Vid] Another Invite from Kyu Jong for Musical 'Goong'
[Trans] Kyu Jong Invite to 'Goong'
source : 안녕,왕자님 (
Korean to English translation :
Hello Everyone. I'm Kim Kyu Jong.
I was cast as a leading role of Musical Goong which will be performed at MinamiJwa in Kyoto in June.
I'm very honored and happy to join Goong which is loved as a TV drama and Musical.
Please look forward to Musical Goong.
See you in Kyoto in June!
source : 안녕,왕자님 (
Korean to English translation :
Hello Everyone. I'm Kim Kyu Jong.
I was cast as a leading role of Musical Goong which will be performed at MinamiJwa in Kyoto in June.
I'm very honored and happy to join Goong which is loved as a TV drama and Musical.
Please look forward to Musical Goong.
See you in Kyoto in June!
[Trans] Hyun Joong's Message on Japan Official Mobile Site
[Trans] JOM : Hello, this is Hyun Joong
Source: KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site
Japanese~English Translation: miyo

Hello, this is Hyun Joong
2011/04/29 Hyun Joong
I will go to Osaka on 2nd May.
I’m going for the Playful Kiss promotion event, it’s been while since I’ve been to Osaka and I’m feeling excited.
In Osaka, I want to eat Takoyaki(ball-shaped dumpling filled with baby octopus) and of course I also want to eat Gyu-don (Beef bowl) too.
Japanese fans will be seeing me in my short hair. Do not be surprised at the style that you are not used to see.
Recently I’m into sports and my body frame has become bigger… From now onwards, I would be showing everyone the manly feeling.
In June (at Korea), we are planning a showcase for the sales of the album, please look forward to it.
The choreography, jacket etc for the album…. all parts have been taken with care one by one so please take your time to look at it.
After May has passed and when June comes, let’s fly up together once more.
At that time, I will bring the album to visit Japan so please look forward to it.
Please be live well and smile happily. Thank you.
[Trans] JOM : Hello, this is Hyun Joong
Source: KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site
Japanese~English Translation: miyo

Hello, this is Hyun Joong
2011/04/29 Hyun Joong
I will go to Osaka on 2nd May.
I’m going for the Playful Kiss promotion event, it’s been while since I’ve been to Osaka and I’m feeling excited.
In Osaka, I want to eat Takoyaki(ball-shaped dumpling filled with baby octopus) and of course I also want to eat Gyu-don (Beef bowl) too.
Japanese fans will be seeing me in my short hair. Do not be surprised at the style that you are not used to see.
Recently I’m into sports and my body frame has become bigger… From now onwards, I would be showing everyone the manly feeling.
In June (at Korea), we are planning a showcase for the sales of the album, please look forward to it.
The choreography, jacket etc for the album…. all parts have been taken with care one by one so please take your time to look at it.
After May has passed and when June comes, let’s fly up together once more.
At that time, I will bring the album to visit Japan so please look forward to it.
Please be live well and smile happily. Thank you.
04.28.11 SS501 Tweet Express
[Trans] 04.28.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @
Re-post with full credits
2011-04-28 @ 8:55 PM
mystyle1103 During filming of Running Man~~keke Even if my hand was injuried!!!I was like flying..

2011-04-28 @ 8:58 PM
mystyle1103 I still find it amazing when I see celebrities.. Cos of this people around me says.. "You are also a celebrity~~" Ah...kekeke

2011-04-28 @ 9:44 PM
Steven_Lee_ @2kjdream What time do you end tomorrow??? Call!
2011-04-28 @ 9:22 PM
jjjjjin2yo @mystyle1103 Oh~ You lost alot of weight?keke
2011-04-28 @ 9:55 PM
Sj861117sj @mystyle1103 Our YoungSaengie why did you lose so much weight... Let's go and eat some meat together..
2011-04-28 @ 10:29 PM
mastadoo @Steven_Lee_ Tomorrow dinner okay~! Will be going to meet American friend~! ^^ Meeting KyuKyuKyu~!!^^
2011-04-28 @ 10:41 PM
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 keke Hyung why are you frozen keke Maybe you were too nervous cos you saw celebrities heehee
2011-04-28 @ 10:57 PM
HyungJun87 My mother whom I love and respect and even by being filial all my life is still insufficent to you. Today is a day for you to celebrate. Really wish you a happy birthday. Always be healthy and I will give you only happiness by my side. I love you.^^

2011-04-28 @ 11:48 PM
LUsyndrome @mystyle1103 Ohhohot~ You filmed Running Man??! Wow~~~
2011-04-28 @ 11:54 PM
2kjdream @Steven_Lee_ I miss you.. hyung!! TT Meet as soon as my musical lesson ends tomorrow Call !!!!!! !!!!!! --
2011-04-28 @ 11:55 PM
2kjdream @mystyle1103 I also find it amazing when I see you hyung....!!!!!!! Oh oh oh~~ heeheehee
[Trans] 04.28.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @
Re-post with full credits
2011-04-28 @ 8:55 PM
mystyle1103 During filming of Running Man~~keke Even if my hand was injuried!!!I was like flying..

2011-04-28 @ 8:58 PM
mystyle1103 I still find it amazing when I see celebrities.. Cos of this people around me says.. "You are also a celebrity~~" Ah...kekeke

2011-04-28 @ 9:44 PM
Steven_Lee_ @2kjdream What time do you end tomorrow??? Call!
2011-04-28 @ 9:22 PM
jjjjjin2yo @mystyle1103 Oh~ You lost alot of weight?keke
2011-04-28 @ 9:55 PM
Sj861117sj @mystyle1103 Our YoungSaengie why did you lose so much weight... Let's go and eat some meat together..
2011-04-28 @ 10:29 PM
mastadoo @Steven_Lee_ Tomorrow dinner okay~! Will be going to meet American friend~! ^^ Meeting KyuKyuKyu~!!^^
2011-04-28 @ 10:41 PM
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 keke Hyung why are you frozen keke Maybe you were too nervous cos you saw celebrities heehee
2011-04-28 @ 10:57 PM
HyungJun87 My mother whom I love and respect and even by being filial all my life is still insufficent to you. Today is a day for you to celebrate. Really wish you a happy birthday. Always be healthy and I will give you only happiness by my side. I love you.^^

2011-04-28 @ 11:48 PM
LUsyndrome @mystyle1103 Ohhohot~ You filmed Running Man??! Wow~~~
2011-04-28 @ 11:54 PM
2kjdream @Steven_Lee_ I miss you.. hyung!! TT Meet as soon as my musical lesson ends tomorrow Call !!!!!! !!!!!! --
2011-04-28 @ 11:55 PM
2kjdream @mystyle1103 I also find it amazing when I see you hyung....!!!!!!! Oh oh oh~~ heeheehee
[Article] Kyu Jong Acting as Prince Shin in Goong
[Trans] Regarding Kim Kyu Jong Acting As Prince Shin? (Jap Goong Official Blog)
Source: Musical <> Official Blog (
Japanese ~ Chinese Trans: kolkol 校对 redcat111
Chinese ~ English Trans:
Pls repost with credits

On 13 Apr the [Musical GOONG] Official photoshoot was carried out in Seoul.
Staged for the 1st time in Kyoto starring Kim Kyu Jong as the lead actor, Musical actress Kwak Sun Young continuing the Korean version of the [Musical GOONG] and being lead actress again did their photoshoot together.
Start of News Report
Kyu Jong wore a beige suit which exudes extravagance, which match the role in his musical debut. (Reference Photo)
This time, Kyu Jong will be acting the character of Prince Shin.
And this is the same role which TVXQ Yunho acted in the Korean version of [Musical GOONG]
Q: How would the role of Prince Shin character be in Kyoto performance?
Kyu: The Prince Shin which Yunho sunbae has acted is a very charismatic and masculine kinda style, for me I want to show a very easy-going and gentle style.
Q: Usually what is the difference between the character of Kyu Jong and Prince Shin?
Kyu: I am a person who doesnt speak much, thus not very easy to really chat with other people. Prince Shin is totally opposite of me! Will work hard on stage to withdraw from my real self to play this character! (smile)
Believe it will be very fast we can see a different side of Kyu Jong in this new Japanese version of [Musical GOONG]
Source: Musical <> Official Blog (
Japanese ~ Chinese Trans: kolkol 校对 redcat111
Chinese ~ English Trans:
Pls repost with credits

On 13 Apr the [Musical GOONG] Official photoshoot was carried out in Seoul.
Staged for the 1st time in Kyoto starring Kim Kyu Jong as the lead actor, Musical actress Kwak Sun Young continuing the Korean version of the [Musical GOONG] and being lead actress again did their photoshoot together.
Start of News Report
Kyu Jong wore a beige suit which exudes extravagance, which match the role in his musical debut. (Reference Photo)
This time, Kyu Jong will be acting the character of Prince Shin.
And this is the same role which TVXQ Yunho acted in the Korean version of [Musical GOONG]
Q: How would the role of Prince Shin character be in Kyoto performance?
Kyu: The Prince Shin which Yunho sunbae has acted is a very charismatic and masculine kinda style, for me I want to show a very easy-going and gentle style.
Q: Usually what is the difference between the character of Kyu Jong and Prince Shin?
Kyu: I am a person who doesnt speak much, thus not very easy to really chat with other people. Prince Shin is totally opposite of me! Will work hard on stage to withdraw from my real self to play this character! (smile)
Believe it will be very fast we can see a different side of Kyu Jong in this new Japanese version of [Musical GOONG]
[Notice fromn B2M] Young Saeng Special Guest in Running Man [26.04.11]
[Notice from B2M] YoungSaeng – Special Guest in Running Man [26.04.11]
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @
This is B2M Entertainment.
Young Saeng appeared as a special guest in SBS Running Man on 25-Apr.
It was an indoor filming, and it was done under the circumstance that Young Saeng would not be moving around a lot.
We posted this notice because we think that you are worried if the filming was too harsh on him as he is with a cast and should be resting.
Watch the actual broadcast!! Please check it for yourself through the broadcast.
We will be showing you a surprise photo.
Even though you will feel sad looking at him with a cast, the cast will be taken off very soon.
[Notice from B2M] YoungSaeng – Special Guest in Running Man [26.04.11]
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @
This is B2M Entertainment.
Young Saeng appeared as a special guest in SBS Running Man on 25-Apr.
It was an indoor filming, and it was done under the circumstance that Young Saeng would not be moving around a lot.
We posted this notice because we think that you are worried if the filming was too harsh on him as he is with a cast and should be resting.
Watch the actual broadcast!! Please check it for yourself through the broadcast.
We will be showing you a surprise photo.
Even though you will feel sad looking at him with a cast, the cast will be taken off very soon.
[Info] Hyung Jun to perform for Children Day’s Festival at UiWang 110505
[Info] Hyung Jun to perform for Children Day’s Festival at UiWang [11.05.05]
News Source:
Posted on: Prettyboy (
Trans: Only Jun (
“마지막 날 저녁에는 어린이들이 좋아하는 SS501김형준·인피니트·달마시안·쥬얼리·치치 등 유명 가수의 춤과 노래를 들을 수 있는 청소년 열린음악회가 축제의 대미를 장식한다.”
Last day’s evening the well loved Idols SS501 Kim Hyung Jun, Infinite. Dalmatians, Jewelery, Chi Chi and other famous singers will be decking out songs and dance for the festival’s finale.
Official site (uw21) :
[Info] Hyung Jun to perform for Children Day’s Festival at UiWang [11.05.05]
News Source:
Posted on: Prettyboy (
Trans: Only Jun (
“마지막 날 저녁에는 어린이들이 좋아하는 SS501김형준·인피니트·달마시안·쥬얼리·치치 등 유명 가수의 춤과 노래를 들을 수 있는 청소년 열린음악회가 축제의 대미를 장식한다.”
Last day’s evening the well loved Idols SS501 Kim Hyung Jun, Infinite. Dalmatians, Jewelery, Chi Chi and other famous singers will be decking out songs and dance for the festival’s finale.
Official site (uw21) :
[Pix & Trans] HK Yes Magazine New Cover Boy
[Mag Trans] Park Jung Min in YES Magazine (HK)
Eng trans by





[Mag Trans] Park Jung Min in YES Magazine (HK)
Eng trans by
Please repost with full credits
Park Jung Min disclosed he itch to get married!
Many fans expressed their likings for Korean stars, because they are going for the beautiful looks that they are born with, and also all are of young age, able to sing and dance well. Korea popular idol Park Jung Min, during the Easter holidays last week, came to Hong Kong for a few days. During his trip in Hong Kong Park Jung Min displayed his friendliness, besides wearing smiles on his face, even during interviews, activities, performances also did his best, really is the most favorable ex-member of SS501. This Korean star is so well-liked, but he actually wants to be a daddy - getting married and have kids. So early to be in someone's [possession], Fans will definitely not bear the thought of it.
Eng trans by






Eng trans by
Please repost with full credits
Park Jung Min disclosed he itch to get married!
Many fans expressed their likings for Korean stars, because they are going for the beautiful looks that they are born with, and also all are of young age, able to sing and dance well. Korea popular idol Park Jung Min, during the Easter holidays last week, came to Hong Kong for a few days. During his trip in Hong Kong Park Jung Min displayed his friendliness, besides wearing smiles on his face, even during interviews, activities, performances also did his best, really is the most favorable ex-member of SS501. This Korean star is so well-liked, but he actually wants to be a daddy - getting married and have kids. So early to be in someone's [possession], Fans will definitely not bear the thought of it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
09.12.17 Four Hallyu Kings at the Tokyo Dome
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! This is totally crazy right? Four Hallyu kings in one event, just how awesome is that! If only money wasn't an issue and if I had known about this last year, I would have flown to Japan right away! Gosh, imagine seeing Song Seung-heon and Won Bin together. Jesus, that's a dream coming true right at my very eyes. And it would be a delight to see Lee Byung-hun as well. But of course my two top oppa's would make me the happiest person alive!
According to the World Journal, quoting Japan’s Newsen Sports News. On December 17, 2009, Lee Byung Hun, Jang Dong Gun, Song Seung Heon, and Won Bin will be performing two back-to-back concerts at the Tokyo Dome.
Performances include showing a short film by the director of April Snow, and the guys will sing, act in short plays/monologues, and participate in interviews.
According to the World Journal, quoting Japan’s Newsen Sports News. On December 17, 2009, Lee Byung Hun, Jang Dong Gun, Song Seung Heon, and Won Bin will be performing two back-to-back concerts at the Tokyo Dome.
Performances include showing a short film by the director of April Snow, and the guys will sing, act in short plays/monologues, and participate in interviews.
Song Seung-heon for Lotte Duty Free
I'm loving these photos but I prefer the first one. He's always looking so handsome. At least these two photos from the new released photos of Lotte Duty Free is so much better than the first photo I've seen of Mr. P where he's also wearing the same outfit as that of the second photo. I wish I can have one of these two because they have his autograph although yeah it's just printed. But who cares? I want a Mr. P poster or anything.
[26/04/11] 'Against War' to be shot in KL in mid May
Source: Daily Chilli
Credit: noreen (
The stakes are getting higher in Dante Lam's latest warfare flick - Against War - starring Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse and the lovely Bai Bing.
After spending more than a month filming in Jordan's scorching heat, Dante and his film crew are ready to move their film location to a more humid Kuala Lumpur.
"The Hong Kong crew recced the KL Railway Station twice," an official from Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM) tells The Daily Chilli exclusively.
"They were here for two weeks. They said they're happy with what we have to offer."
Dante hired Hollywood war movie experts behind Oscar-winning war game, The Hurt Locker for the highly explosive film.
And if everything goes well, the acclaimed Hong Kong director, Nicholas and Jay will be in town to begin filming in the middle of May.
"They can't fix a date for KL because shooting in Jordan has yet to be wrapped up," says the official.
The KL Railway Station aside, the HK$200 million (RM77 million) actioner will also be shot in Brickfields, Chow Kit and Port Klang.
Set against the Gulf War, Against War cast Jay and Nicholas as a team of investigators assigned to rescue a Chinese officer (played by mainland Chinese actress Bai Bing). Their dangerous mission takes them travelling through Jordan, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.
Credit: noreen (
The stakes are getting higher in Dante Lam's latest warfare flick - Against War - starring Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse and the lovely Bai Bing.
After spending more than a month filming in Jordan's scorching heat, Dante and his film crew are ready to move their film location to a more humid Kuala Lumpur.
"The Hong Kong crew recced the KL Railway Station twice," an official from Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM) tells The Daily Chilli exclusively.
"They were here for two weeks. They said they're happy with what we have to offer."
Dante hired Hollywood war movie experts behind Oscar-winning war game, The Hurt Locker for the highly explosive film.
And if everything goes well, the acclaimed Hong Kong director, Nicholas and Jay will be in town to begin filming in the middle of May.
"They can't fix a date for KL because shooting in Jordan has yet to be wrapped up," says the official.
The KL Railway Station aside, the HK$200 million (RM77 million) actioner will also be shot in Brickfields, Chow Kit and Port Klang.
Set against the Gulf War, Against War cast Jay and Nicholas as a team of investigators assigned to rescue a Chinese officer (played by mainland Chinese actress Bai Bing). Their dangerous mission takes them travelling through Jordan, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.
[Article] Young Saeng Kept His Promise
[Trans] SS501 Heo Young Saeng "Fighting Spirit in Cast" Stick To Promise
Source: Nate Korean
Chinese Trans: 唯爱HS@HSC Chinese
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits
Even though he is injured and is on cast, he still stick to his promise record "RUNNING MAN". On 25 Apr, Heo Young Saeng participated in Happy Sunday "RUNNING MAN" recording at Seoul SBS Lobby. On 19 Apr, he accidentally injured the back of his hand while practicing for his dance which caused the release of his album to be delayed, insisted to keep his recording appointment for "RUNNING MAN".
His company B2M stated "The doctor did warn him to wait for his hand to be fully recovered and to restraint from outside activities." But because he want to keep to his promise for the agreed schedule as before thus he proceeded with the recording. Thus the production team and the artistes gave Young Saeng very high evaluation for coming to record with his bandaged cast on.
Heo Young Saeng's raid gave a reversal effect. Him in a bandaged cast making all the artistes panic. Even though injured, he still do not bother to hide himself and still struggled alone making Young Saeng shone brightly.
Heo Young Saeng initially is going to start his solo activities on the 28 Apr. But due to the state of his injuries, there is no choice but to delay his activities. Fortunately, his recovery is fast thus they have schedule him to do his comeback at around mid May, and to re-adjust his schedule.
Heo Young Saeng solo album songs will be produced by Han Jae Ho & Kim Sung Su who have produced Kara's Lupin, Honey & Mister, and also the strong friendship which was forged during SS501 days with Steven Lee who has produced the dance song "LET IT GO" which will be the main hit song for the album.
Heo Young Saeng's "RUNNING MAN" will be broadcast on 8 May.
Source: Nate Korean
Chinese Trans: 唯爱HS@HSC Chinese
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits
Even though he is injured and is on cast, he still stick to his promise record "RUNNING MAN". On 25 Apr, Heo Young Saeng participated in Happy Sunday "RUNNING MAN" recording at Seoul SBS Lobby. On 19 Apr, he accidentally injured the back of his hand while practicing for his dance which caused the release of his album to be delayed, insisted to keep his recording appointment for "RUNNING MAN".
His company B2M stated "The doctor did warn him to wait for his hand to be fully recovered and to restraint from outside activities." But because he want to keep to his promise for the agreed schedule as before thus he proceeded with the recording. Thus the production team and the artistes gave Young Saeng very high evaluation for coming to record with his bandaged cast on.
Heo Young Saeng's raid gave a reversal effect. Him in a bandaged cast making all the artistes panic. Even though injured, he still do not bother to hide himself and still struggled alone making Young Saeng shone brightly.
Heo Young Saeng initially is going to start his solo activities on the 28 Apr. But due to the state of his injuries, there is no choice but to delay his activities. Fortunately, his recovery is fast thus they have schedule him to do his comeback at around mid May, and to re-adjust his schedule.
Heo Young Saeng solo album songs will be produced by Han Jae Ho & Kim Sung Su who have produced Kara's Lupin, Honey & Mister, and also the strong friendship which was forged during SS501 days with Steven Lee who has produced the dance song "LET IT GO" which will be the main hit song for the album.
Heo Young Saeng's "RUNNING MAN" will be broadcast on 8 May.
04.25.11 SS501 Tweet Express
[Trans] 04.25.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @
Re-post with full credits.
2011-04-25 @ 1:18 AM
90KKB @HyungJun87 You grew really well..OTL
*OTL is an internet expression for 'Desparation / Failure / Breakdown'. It's showing a person kneeling down in fours and head hanging down. keke..I learnt this in a TV program years ago tongue.gif Isn't it interesting?
2011-04-25 @ 2:04 AM musiciankkim @HyungJun87 Hyung my birthday was on the 23rd..kekeke
2011-04-25 @ 3:24 PM
JungMin0403 Byebye! HongKong! I will come again!♪(´ε` )
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @
Re-post with full credits.
2011-04-25 @ 1:18 AM
90KKB @HyungJun87 You grew really well..OTL
*OTL is an internet expression for 'Desparation / Failure / Breakdown'. It's showing a person kneeling down in fours and head hanging down. keke..I learnt this in a TV program years ago tongue.gif Isn't it interesting?
2011-04-25 @ 2:04 AM musiciankkim @HyungJun87 Hyung my birthday was on the 23rd..kekeke
2011-04-25 @ 3:24 PM
JungMin0403 Byebye! HongKong! I will come again!♪(´ε` )

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