Thursday, December 11, 2008

Under the Rug

I always had this thought that there must be something out of order these past few months. B.A., B.A. for Bad Ass has been sending me feelers in which I had big doubts regarding his real intention. A certain report came to me some few months ago from a common friend of ours telling me that Girl’s best friend told him that B.A. and Girl are still at it. I did believe it besides; our friend doesn’t have any reason to lie to me. So while BA has been sending me pseudo feelers since August until October, I honestly doubt the words that are coming out from his mouth. I doubt if he ever said anything true to me at all because of what I’ve heard from our friend. That is why I haven’t been optimistic about him and the things he’s been doing or saying. Honestly, he’s 100% doubtful from the start.

Coincidentally, Girl’s best friend added me on Friendster. You see, I actually know the Girl and the Girl’s best friend because we were from the same high school. So it’s not really a surprise that Girl’s best friend added me. I had this sudden urge to ask her about Girl and BA. And luckily she answered obligingly. And the answer was a no surprise at all. I’ve heard it already from a common friend of ours (BA). The only difference this time was that the answer came from the most reliable source. It came from the person who would never lie about it.

What really irks me is the fact that BA has indeed been lying to me all along. This answer confirmed everything that he’s really a bad ass. Those feelers were not true not even one of them. But what was he up to after all? Why did he have to do all of those? Is it because he just wants to spite me? Or was he merely flirting? Then he’s not just a bad ass but a flirt as well. What with the “it’s complicated” status on friendster? Why on earth could he just tell the truth about it? What does he want from me? I’ve been living a peaceful and orderly life when he started to get his trash on it. I’m not just speaking for myself; I’m also speaking for the Girl. Does she know what he’s been doing behind her back? Is it justifiable to flirt with someone else just because your girlfriend is away and won’t be there to catch you? I don’t deserve to be treated like this by a BA. And she doesn’t deserve this as well. I’m not naïve to think it’s just me who was victimized.

It’s his birthday tomorrow and I won’t be sending him a greeting. It will be just an ordinary day because he’s not worthy. Even this coming Christmas and New Year, there will be nothing from me. This is my early New Year’s resolution and I’ll be starting it now. If we’ll ever cross paths which I hope not, I’ll just pretend I didn’t see him. Wherever he is, it’s wherever I’m not present. This is the time to move on and move forward. No matter what, I’ve been under the rug because of him.